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AVGSS Group is driven towards an educational zone forming the sanctuary of knowledge and upscaling the talented youths of New INDIA.

Education is a vital means of acquiring skills, knowledge, values, habits, and beliefs. Education is essential for all children, whether they are boys or girls. It enables the individual to deal with and lead his life independently. We believe that knowledge is extremely important in any career or in life in general.

When it comes to acquiring knowledge, there are two aspects to consider: theoretical and practical application of theory. Both types of knowledge are equally important and will make you more useful in all that you do. We recognise that education and access to books are fundamental human principles, and thus our programmes provide books and other stationery to remote locations where resources are limited.  

Cancer care


At AVGSS group, we give financial aid l to students in order for them to continue their education. Scholarships are given out based on a variety of factors, including academic achievement, diversity and inclusion, athletic ability, and financial need. The help may be a monetary award, an in-kind award (for example, the waiver of tuition or housing fees), or both. Arrow

Study Material Distribution

To ensure quality education for children in schools we at AVGSS group give away study materials, books, and other stationary. We ensure that they are distributed on a regular basis to the needful students. We agree to quote that "Giving is not just about donation but is all about making a difference in a person's life". Arrow