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Education is a space that matters, both in terms of business and social responsibility. AcadWeFam is a venture that has enabled our presence in the education space. A setup that is student-friendly – AcadWeFam strives towards developing itself as a strong education space for the youth.

Operating as a strong out-of-school teaching institution in Navi Mumbai currently for a year now since its inception. AcadWeFam currently holds a firm ground in Navi Mumbai and we plan to spread it across Mumbai. AVGSS Group takes immense pride in building a fast and evolving education setup.


Recent News

AcadWeFam, a new subsidiary of AVGSS group, owned by Sushant G. Jabare and co-founded by three intellectuals:
Mr. Swapnil Jadhav, Mr. Puneet Rajpal and Mr. Nitin Jain, who hold great experience in the field of education.